Tuesday, 2 February 2010

6th Renderyard Short Film Festival Call for Entries

The Renderyard Short Film Festival runs from 8th to 10th October 2010 and supports the screening of new short films and animations including documentaries and this year feature films. The Festival also includes music videos and film scripts and film scores. The Festival is held in London and Spain. We screen in central London at the Roxy Bar & Screen. And in Spain at the Biblotecha in Logrono. The films that are shown have been produced by drawing inspiration from personal sources and influences that allow each director to project their own reflections and ideas as new forms of visual self expression.

Short Film / Animation / Documentary / Music Video / Micro Film / Film Score / Scripts / Childrens Films / Feature Film

Submit Your Film: www.renderyard.com

The deadline for entries is the 6th August 2010.