Friday, 11 September 2009

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Renderyard Online Film Residency Call for Film makers

The new Renderyard Online Film Residency enables film makers to collaborate with a global film making community and keep your film work fresh and exchange ideas with other film makers.

Marco Bolognesi & Bomar Edition will be our artist in Residency starting in October 2009 for one year. We are looking for Film makers and actors involved in all the forms of visual media creation who would like to be involved with Marco Bolognesi and his film proposal through the Renderyard website in order to develop his new stories and visuals for six new short film projects.

Marco has a prolific career working as a fashion photographer for the likes of Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen, Kei Kagami and Dolce & Gabbana. Marco Bolognesi is a multi-faceted artist who creates new work through the mediums of Film, photography, Illustration, Drawing and Painting. Bolognesi will be creating New work and interacting with the film makers and audience on the Renderyards Online Residency.

To find out more about go to Marco's Residency page on our web site click here

To collaborate with Marco in the making of his film projects please send contact send your letter of interest with your current film making skills and how you would like to be involved to Aylin Kunter: